Climate model data
Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis
CanESM2 / CGCM4 model output
Short name | Long name | Units |
albisccp | ISCCP Mean Cloud Albedo | 1 |
ccb | Air Pressure at Convective Cloud Base | Pa |
cct | Air Pressure at Convective Cloud Top | Pa |
cfadDbze94 | CloudSat Radar Reflectivity | 1 |
cfadLidarsr532 | CALIPSO Scattering Ratio | 1 |
ci | Fraction of Time Convection Occurs | 1 |
cl | Cloud Area Fraction | % |
clcalipso | CALIPSO Cloud Fraction | % |
clcalipso2 | CALIPSO Cloud Fraction Undetected by CloudSat | % |
clhcalipso | CALIPSO High Level Cloud Fraction | % |
cli | Mass Fraction of Cloud Ice | 1 |
clis | Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice | 1 |
clisccp | ISCCP Cloud Area Fraction | % |
clivi | Ice Water Path | kg m-2 |
cllcalipso | CALIPSO Low Level Cloud Fraction | % |
clmcalipso | CALIPSO Mid Level Cloud Fraction | % |
cls | Stratiform Cloud Area Fraction | % |
clt | Total Cloud Fraction | % |
cltcalipso | CALIPSO Total Cloud Fraction | % |
cltisccp | ISCCP Total Cloud Fraction | % |
clw | Mass Fraction of Cloud Liquid Water | 1 |
clws | Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water | 1 |
clwvi | Condensed Water Path | kg m-2 |
dmc | Deep Convective Mass Flux | kg m-2 s-1 |
evisct | Eddy Diffusivity Coefficients for Temperature | m2 s-1 |
eviscu | Eddy Viscosity Coefficients for Momentum | m2 s-1 |
evspsbl | Evaporation | kg m-2 s-1 |
hfls | Surface Upward Latent Heat Flux | W m-2 |
hfss | Surface Upward Sensible Heat Flux | W m-2 |
hur | Relative Humidity | % |
hurs | Near-Surface Relative Humidity | % |
hus | Specific Humidity | 1 |
huss | Near-Surface Specific Humidity | 1 |
mc | Convective Mass Flux | kg m-2 s-1 |
mcd | Downdraft Convective Mass Flux | kg m-2 s-1 |
mcu | Updraft Convective Mass Flux | kg m-2 s-1 |
parasolRefl | PARASOL Reflectance | 1 |
pctisccp | ISCCP Mean Cloud Top Pressure | Pa |
pr | Precipitation | kg m-2 s-1 |
prc | Convective Precipitation | kg m-2 s-1 |
prsn | Solid Precipitation | kg m-2 s-1 |
prw | Water Vapor Path | kg m-2 |
ps | Surface Air Pressure | Pa |
psl | Sea Level Pressure | Pa |
rld | Downwelling Longwave Radiation | W m-2 |
rldcs | Downwelling Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation | W m-2 |
rlds | Surface Downwelling Longwave Radiation | W m-2 |
rldscs | Surface Downwelling Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation | W m-2 |
rlu | Upwelling Longwave Radiation | W m-2 |
rlucs | Upwelling Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation | W m-2 |
rlus | Surface Upwelling Longwave Radiation | W m-2 |
rlut | TOA Outgoing Longwave Radiation | W m-2 |
rlutcs | TOA Outgoing Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation | W m-2 |
rsd | Downwelling Shortwave Radiation | W m-2 |
rsdcs | Downwelling Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation | W m-2 |
rsds | Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation | W m-2 |
rsdscs | Surface Downwelling Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation | W m-2 |
rsdt | TOA Incident Shortwave Radiation | W m-2 |
rsu | Upwelling Shortwave Radiation | W m-2 |
rsucs | Upwelling Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation | W m-2 |
rsus | Surface Upwelling Shortwave Radiation | W m-2 |
rsuscs | Surface Upwelling Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation | W m-2 |
rsut | TOA Outgoing Shortwave Radiation | W m-2 |
rsutcs | TOA Outgoing Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation | W m-2 |
rtmt | Net Downward Flux at Top of Model | W m-2 |
sbl | Surface Snow and Ice Sublimation Flux | kg m-2 s-1 |
sci | Fraction of Time Shallow Convection Occurs | 1 |
sfcWind | Daily-Mean Near-Surface Wind Speed | m s-1 |
smc | Shallow Convective Mass Flux | kg m-2 s-1 |
ta | Air Temperature | K |
tas | Near-Surface Air Temperature | K |
tasmax | Daily Maximum Near-Surface Air Temperature | K |
tasmin | Daily Minimum Near-Surface Air Temperature | K |
tauu | Surface Downward Eastward Wind Stress | Pa |
tauv | Surface Downward Northward Wind Stress | Pa |
tnhus | Tendency of Specific Humidity | s-1 |
tnhusc | Tendency of Specific Humidity due to Convection | s-1 |
tnhusmp | Tendency of Specific Humidity due to Model Physics | s-1 |
tnhusscpbl | Tendency of Specific Humidity due to Stratiform Cloud Condensation and Evaporation | s-1 |
tnsccwacr | Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Condensed Water due to Autoconversion to Rain | s-1 |
tnsccwacs | Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Condensed Water due to Autoconversion to Snow | s-1 |
tnsccwce | Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Condensed Water due to Condensation and Evaporation | s-1 |
tnsccwif | Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Condensed Water due to Icefall | s-1 |
tnscliag | Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Aggregation | s-1 |
tnsclias | Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Accretion to Snow | s-1 |
tnsclicd | Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice Due Convective Detrainment | s-1 |
tnsclids | Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Deposition and Sublimation | s-1 |
tnscliemi | Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Evaporation of Melting Ice | s-1 |
tnsclihencl | Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Heterogeneous Nucleation From Cloud Liquid | s-1 |
tnsclihenv | Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Heterogeneous Nucleation From Water Vapor | s-1 |
tnsclihon | Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Homogeneous Nucleation | s-1 |
tnscliif | Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Icefall | s-1 |
tnsclimcl | Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Melting to Cloud Liquid | s-1 |
tnsclimr | Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Melting to Rain | s-1 |
tnscliricl | Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Riming From Cloud Liquid | s-1 |
tnsclirir | Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Riming From Rain | s-1 |
tnsclwac | Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water due to Autoconversion | s-1 |
tnsclwar | Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water due to Accretion to Rain | s-1 |
tnsclwas | Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water due to Accretion to Snow | s-1 |
tnsclwcd | Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water Due to Convective Detrainment | s-1 |
tnsclwce | Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water due to Condensation and Evaporation | s-1 |
tnsclwhen | Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water due to Heterogeneous Nucleation | s-1 |
tnsclwhon | Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water due to Homogeneous Nucleation | s-1 |
tnsclwmi | Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water due to Melting From Cloud Ice | s-1 |
tnsclwri | Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water due to Riming | s-1 |
tnt | Tendency of Air Temperature | K s-1 |
tntc | Tendency of Air Temperature due to Moist Convection | K s-1 |
tntmp | Tendency of Air Temperature due to Diabatic Processes | K s-1 |
tntr | Tendency of Air Temperature due to Radiative Heating | K s-1 |
tntscpbl | Tendency of Air Temperature Due to Stratiform Cloud and Precipitation and Boundary Layer Mixing | K s-1 |
ts | Surface Temperature | K |
ua | Eastward Wind | m s-1 |
uas | Eastward Near-Surface Wind | m s-1 |
va | Northward Wind | m s-1 |
vas | Northward Near-Surface Wind | m s-1 |
wap | omega (=dp/dt) | Pa s-1 |
zg | Geopotential Height | m |