Climate model data

Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis

CanRCM4 Model Output



Short nameLong nameUnits
cliviIce Water Pathkg m-2
cltTotal Cloud Fraction%
clwviCondensed Water Pathkg m-2
evspsblEvaporationkg m-2 s-1
hflsSurface Upward Latent Heat FluxW m-2
hfssSurface Upward Sensible Heat FluxW m-2
hus850Specific Humidity at 850 hPa1
hussNear-Surface Specific Humidity1
mrfsoSoil Frozen Water Contentkg m-2
mrroTotal Runoffkg m-2 s-1
mrrosSurface Runoffkg m-2 s-1
mrsoTotal Soil Moisture Contentkg m-2
prPrecipitationkg m-2 s-1
prcConvective Precipitationkg m-2 s-1
prsnSolid Precipitationkg m-2 s-1
prwWater Vapor Pathkg m-2
psSurface Air PressurePa
pslSea Level PressurePa
rldsSurface Downwelling Longwave RadiationW m-2
rlusSurface Upwelling Longwave RadiationW m-2
rlutTOA Outgoing Longwave RadiationW m-2
rsdsSurface Downwelling Shortwave RadiationW m-2
rsdtTOA Incident Shortwave RadiationW m-2
rsusSurface Upwelling Shortwave RadiationW m-2
rsutTOA Outgoing Shortwave RadiationW m-2
sfcWindDaily-Mean Near-Surface Wind Speedm s-1
sfcWindmaxDaily Maximum Near-Surface Wind Speedm s-1
sicSea Ice Area Fraction%
sncSnow Area Fraction%
sndSnow Depthm
snmSurface Snow Meltkg m-2 s-1
snwSurface Snow Amountkg m-2
ta200Air Temperature at 200 hPaK
ta500Air Temperature at 500 hPaK
ta850Air Temperature at 850 hPaK
tasNear-Surface Air TemperatureK
tasmaxDaily Maximum Near-Surface Air TemperatureK
tasminDaily Minimum Near-Surface Air TemperatureK
tauuSurface Downward Eastward Wind StressPa
tauvSurface Downward Northward Wind StressPa
tsSurface TemperatureK
ua200Eastward Wind at 200 hPam s-1
ua500Eastward Wind at 500 hPam s-1
ua850Eastward Wind at 850 hPam s-1
uasEastward Near-Surface Windm s-1
va200Northward Wind at 200 hPam s-1
va500Northward Wind at 500 hPam s-1
va850Northward Wind at 850 hPam s-1
vasNorthward Near-Surface Windm s-1
zg200Geopotential Height at 200 hPam
zg500Geopotential Height at 500 hPam
zmlaHeight Of Boundary Layerm
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